Marchetti LKW-Aufbau-Teleskopkrane.
Das beste aus zwei Welten vereint!
Mehr Informationen hier.
Das Konzept der Marchetti Mobilkrane besteht in der Verwendung eines handelsüblichen LKW Chassis, auf dem ein konventioneller Teleskop-Kran aufgebaut wird.
Vereinigt das Beste aus zwei Welten
Handelsübliches LKW Chassis
- Integration in bestehende Fahrzeugflotte des Kunden, da Marke durch Kunde frei wählbar
- Ausgereifte Serientechnik und flächendeckendes Servicenetz
- Bis 80 % reduzierte Unterhalts- und Betriebskosten im Vergleich zum AT bzw. Mobilkran (denn die Kosten entstehen im Unterwagen!)
- Höchste Präzision beim Einheben von Lasten dank stabilem Teleskop-Ausleger
- Schnelles und effizientes Arbeiten (im Vergleich zum Ladekran)
- Hohe Traglasten
Verschiedene Modelle – für jeden Bedarf das Richtige
The MTK series has six model variants to choose from, three of which have conventional telescopic technology and the boom is guided forwards over the driver's cab (MTK 40, MTK 60 and MTK 60-5). The three other model variants, MTK 1005, 1006 and 180, have very strong but short outriggers, which are guided to the rear during transport.
Marchetti MTK 40
The Marchetti MTK 40 combines a standard truck chassis with a 40-ton class telescopic crane.
The superstructure has a 4-piece telescopic boom with a total length of 32 meters. The maximum length of the system can be extended to 46.5 meters with the optional extension (JIB).
Der „kleine Bruder“ des Marchetti MTK60 wird über den Motor des Fahrgestells als Hilfsgerät betrieben, da er keinen eigenen Kranmotor besitzt. Hierdurch wird ein maximales Gesamtgewicht von 27 Tonnen bzw. 32 Tonnen erreicht.
The required outrigger base is 6m x 6.2m with the booms fully extended. With the booms only extended to 50% it is 3m x 3.1m. This allows this unit to be placed much closer to the load to be lifted than a truck mounted crane. The result is higher payloads compared to a loading crane, with less movement on the boom at the same time.
The MTK40 is offered in Germany on a standard 3-axle truck chassis. In Switzerland, due to regulatory requirements, it is necessary to use a 4-axle chassis.
When choosing the truck chassis, several variants are available to the customer. The vehicle can thus be optimally integrated into an existing fleet. Maintenance and operating costs are kept low because a proven truck chassis is used.
The telescopic crane lifts your loads with the utmost precision thanks to a real telescopic boom. The device can be moved very quickly and cost-effectively (like a truck) and is ready for use on the construction site. The Marchetti MTK40 is therefore the perfect taxi crane.
Marchetti MTK60
The Marchetti MTK 60 combines a standard truck chassis with a 60-ton class telescopic crane.
The superstructure has a 5-part telescopic boom with a total length of 40 meters. The maximum length of the system can be extended to 54.5 meters with the optional extension (JIB).
With the big brother of the Marchetti MTK 40, the truck chassis and superstructure are only mechanically connected to each other. Accordingly, the superstructure has a separate engine that is optimally tuned to the load of crane operation and therefore works very efficiently (low fuel consumption, few emissions).
The required outrigger base is 7.1m x 7.35m with the booms fully extended. With the booms only extended to 50% it is 3.5m x 3.7m. This allows this unit to be positioned much closer to the load to be lifted than a truck mounted crane become. The result is higher payloads compared to a loading crane, with less movement on the boom at the same time.
The MTK 60 is offered in Germany on a 4-axle truck chassis. In Switzerland, due to regulatory requirements (permitted total weight), it is necessary to use a 5-axle chassis (cf. MTK 60-5 or swissedition).
When choosing the truck chassis, several variants are available to the customer. The vehicle can thus be optimally integrated into an existing fleet. The maintenance and operating costs are kept low because a commercial truck chassis is used (low-cost maintenance, low-cost spare parts, very low wear and tear and designed for high mileage).
The telescopic crane lifts your loads with the utmost precision thanks to a real telescopic boom. The device can be moved very quickly and cost-effectively (like a truck) and is ready for use on the construction site. The Marchetti MTK 60 is therefore the perfect taxi crane.
Marchetti MTK 60-5
(swiss edition)
The Marchetti MTK 60-5 is identical in construction to the MTK 60 (see above). For legal reasons (permissible total weight), the MTK 60 in Switzerland must be mounted on a 5-axle truck chassis.
However, this also opens up new possibilities in terms of ballasting and the associated performance of the crane:
- Der Marchetti MTK 60-5 ist mit 11 Tonnen Ballast ausgestattet und der volle Ballast kann auf dem Kran LSVA befreit verfahren werden. Es ist somit kein umständliches Umladen oder das Mitführen eines Anhängers für den Ballast nötig;
- Mit 11 Tonnen Ballast erreicht der Kran über weite Strecken Traglastwerte, die ihn zu einem Kran in der 70 Tonnen Kategorie aufsteigen lassen.
Damit ist der Machetti MTK 60-5 ein bärenstarker und äusserst flinker Mobilkran, der die Qualifikation „Taxi-Kran“ mehr als verdient.